It has been this meeting’s practice not to appoint meeting co-clerks. We think this is generally wise. Nor do we recommend that the positions of recording clerk and clerk be held by one person. However, in some circumstances, with careful discernment, the meeting may deem that these options are appropriate.
The positions of assistant clerk and recording clerk may be held by the same person or by two people.
Last approved by this position: Date... 2/2002
Last approved by business meeting : Date ...
Membership: Must be a member of the Meeting.
Term: At the May meeting for worship with a concern for business (business meeting), the Meeting approves a nomination by the Nominating Committee for a one-year term commencing after the May business meeting and running through the May business meeting the following year. The Clerk customarily serves three consecutive one-year terms upon recommendation annually by the Nominating Committee.
General Responsibilities:
The Clerk exercises general oversight of the Meeting activities, encouraging new programs of special and standing committees and coordinating all Meeting activity.
Specific Responsibilities:
The Clerk:
1. convenes and conducts monthly and specially-called business meetings:
a. prepares the business meeting agenda.
b. calls for reports by clerks of standing or special committees.
c. discerns when unity has been reached.
d. reviews and signs the recorded minutes of business meetings.
2. keeps him/herself informed on matters of interest to the Meeting and conveys the need for appropriate action by the Meeting, individuals, or committees.
3. serves as an ex-officio member of all committees.
4. coordinates Meeting activities with those of the Quarter and the Yearly Meeting and other Friends’ groups.
5. receives and acts upon correspondence directed to the Meeting
6. signs correspondence from the Meeting as directed by the Meeting, adding a phrase such as “On behalf of SFM..." as appropriate.
Assistant Clerk
Last approved by this position: Date...
Last approved by business meeting : Date ...
Membership: Must be a member of the Meeting.
Term: The same as described for clerk.
Specific Responsibilities:
1. Assists the clerk in the preparation of business and the carrying out of other responsibilities, as requested by the clerk.
2. Assumes all responsibilities of the clerk in the absence of the clerk.
Recording Clerk
Last approved by this position: Date...
Last approved by business meeting : Date ...
Membership: Must be a member of the Meeting.
Term: The same as described for clerk.
Specific Responsibilities:
1. During business meetings, in collaboration with the clerk, drafts minutes for consideration by the Meeting, following the guidelines approved in our minutes.
2. Prepares minutes of the business meeting for the clerk’s review and signature.
3. Maintains a file of minutes in the library.
4. Forwards minutes annually to the appropriate Friends repository in the format requested by this repository (currently Swarthmore College).