Membership: Open to all interested individuals.
Term: One year, but may serve unlimited consecutive terms.
Meetings: Upon the call of the clerk, usually monthly.
General Responsibilities:
Keeps the Meeting informed of local, national, and international issues which the Meeting may decide should be the focus of Friends’ witness activity. Recommends to the Meeting what Friends’ and other organizations it should support financially.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Informs the Meeting of issues with which Friends may wish to concern themselves.
- Drafts letters from the Meeting, to be signed by the Clerk, to politicians and leaders of social movements expressing the Meeting’s views on issues.
- Provides letter writing tables following meetings for worship to provide members opportunities to communicate their views on current issues to their elected public officials.
- Reviews and recommends to the Meeting requests for donations , recommends to the meeting those subscription or membership organizations in which the Meeting should participate on an ongoing basis, and disburses funds as approved(is this done by them, or by the treasurer??). Reports contributions to the Meeting when disbursements since a previous report amount to $500 or more, or when specifically requested to by the Clerk of the Meeting. ?
Clerk: Named by committee members.