Membership:  Limited to six individuals thoroughly acquainted with participants in the Meeting's activities.  Minute (3.18.8) 1990 confirmed a meeting policy that members of nominating committee must be members of 

meeting. However, the meeting has occasionally appointed non-members to the nominating committee when that best serves the Meeting's interests.

Term:  Staggered three-year terms from January through December.  May be reappointed after a period of a year.


Selection:  Nominations for membership on the Nominating Committee are made 

by the Naming Committee.

General Responsibilities:

Having surveyed the needs of the meeting and the gifts of the members and attenders, the Nominating Committee presents annually for the Meeting's approval at the May business meeting a roster of committee members as well as nominations for the positions of Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Recording Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, Recorder, Trustees, and all other meeting 

positions, and representatives to such organizations as the AFSC, FCNL, and the Scarsdale/Hartsdale Interfaith Council.

Specific Responsibilities:

The Nominating Committee:

  1. Reviews the appointments to be filled in the next year and the gifts and callings of meeting members and attenders and prayerfully considers how to proceed.  Meets in the months prior to the May business meeting to prepare the roster of committee and Meeting assignments.
  2. Contacts all resident members and attenders to confirm ongoing committee assignments and solicit indications of committee service suitable to their interests.  This activity has an outreach function that complements the work of O&C.  Also, using the guest book and Newsletter as necessary to complement our meeting directory, contacts new regular attenders, encouraging them to consider service on committees.
  3. With the proposed roster, designates a convenor for each committee.  Typically the convenor is the first person listed on the roster of that committee.  However, where there is a clerk continuing as a member on the committee that Friend will be asked to be convenor. (?)  The convenor is responsible for convening the first meeting before July 1st.  Additionally the committee notifies each convenor individually of their responsibility. 
  4. Throughout the year of their appointment, recommends individuals for interim appointments as required by the Meeting, and recommends individuals to fill vacated positions.
  5. Uses the information they have gathered to evaluate and make recommendations to business meeting on the structure and functioning of the meeting's committees.  


Clerk:  Named by the committee members.